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Never mind tells someone to disregard a matter. It can also mean "not to mention" or "certainly not. " Never mind should be two words in almost all contexts. Nevermind (one word) is part of the colloquial expression "[pay something] no nevermind. " Parents tell children to mind their manners. People tell each other to mind their own business. "Mind" is a versatile verb that means "pay attention to. " By way of contrast, "never mind" is an expression that means "do not pay attention to. " Did you know that the meaning of "never mind" is different from the meaning of "nevermind"? If you were unaware that "nevermind" can be spelled with or without a space, it's understandable. You can't hear the space, but it does make a difference. Here's a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great? Grammarly can save you from misspellings, grammatical and punctuation mistakes, and other writing issues on all your favorite websites. Never Mind Definition Around the late 1700s, the expression "never mind it" arose.

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‍ 4. Snacks Worth Munching On A protein bar, a fruit or even a bowl of yogurt are some good options. Dates, containing natural sugars, are a great energy boosting pre-workout snack. ‍ ‍ 5. Drink Water While You're Swimming It's pretty counter intuitive but like any other sport, swimming also involves sweating even though you're cool in the water. Your energy levels and performance may be affected by dehydration so keep a water bottle handy and have regular sips before, during and after your swimming training. An energy drink could also do the trick. ‍ ‍ CHECK OUR RANGE OF SWIMMING EQUIPMENT

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More Low Carb/Keto Diet Tips The Ultimate Keto Guide of Products (Includes Must-Have Items! ) Best Low Carb Diet Benefits Best Diet Tips for the Low Carb Diet Plan How to Start Keto (the easy way) Low Carb Vegetarian Diet Tips and Tricks Low Carb Diabetic Diet Tips for Success

Almost Zero Carb Food List or Low Carb Food List Have you ever wanted to have something delicious on the Keto diet, but don't want to worry about carbs? There are hundreds of foods that don't have carbs. Sometimes it comes down to what you're in the mood for. Check out this zero carb food list. Almost No Carb Vegetables Cucumbers Radishes Lettuce Spinach Bok Choy Celery Parsley Broccoli Cauliflower Cabbage Squash Zucchini Almost No Carb Dairy Heavy Cream Whipping Cream Shredded Cheese Eggs (low carb count) Butter Almost No Carb Oils Canola Oil Coconut Oil Grapeseed Oil Olive Oil Flaxseed Oil Almost No Carb Seasonings Salt Pepper Cinnamon Yellow Mustard Hot Sauce Premade Packets (*check nutritional value) Keto Starter Guide The Keto Starter Guide is an amazing resource as you get started on your keto/low carb journey. This guide has everything you need to get started in 9 simple video lessons and also includes workbooks with step by step instructions for beginners. What's a macro and why do I count them?