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The root of Ginseng contains GINSENOSIDES, which is a compound that directly stimulates the production of ACTH that improves concentration and alertness. Ginseng improves the quality of sleep and boosts overall health. Regular intake of ginseng tea can fight fatigue and lack of energy. In cancer patients, it improves energy levels. It reduces mental stress and anxiety. It aids digestion. It boosts immunity system, enhances stamina and works as aphrodisiac. It helps to rid off discomfort associated with menstrual cycle. Ginseng lowers the level of bad or LDL cholesterol. Ginseng inhibits tumor growth and has anti-cancer properties. Side Effects of Ginseng Tea Although, Ginseng tea is very well tolerated medicinal herb, but then it may also cause some side effects. However, in smaller dosage, ginseng tea is helpful in headache and insomnia, but its excess amount can result oppositely causing headache and sleep disturbance. It may also affect gastrointestinal functions. People with allergic to some herbal compounds should avoid using ginseng tea because it can also cause allergic reaction in hypertensive people.

Q. Is this product vegetarian? Ans. Yes, Colon Detox Plus is a vegan product. Final Verdict In order to have better health of the colon, it will have to be regularly cleaned using best colon cleansing products. The food one eats is also important but will not fully give the desired results in the body. However, when one opts for Colon Detox Plus, the colon will be rendered free from bad bacteria and other substances that would otherwise clog it. With the improved health of the colon, a lot of challenges in the digestion process shall have been solved.

Kristin Cavallari and Brody Jenner enjoy flirty beach date and seemingly confirms The Hills return | Daily Mail Online

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