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  1. Marc fitt bulking diet solution program

The idea behind the workout is to 'feel the burn' the entire time. For maximum muscle gain, the system works best if it is changed on a weekly basis. In terms of cardio, while he doesn't currently do it himself, Fitt suggests sprint interval training as the best kind of workout. This involves, 4-6 30s sprints, with 1-4 minute breaks in between each, over three mornings a week on an empty stomach. This workout will ensure that you will burn more calories and get ripped quicker. The Marc Fitt Diet As part of his daily routine, Fitt packs in eight meals a day, consuming food at 2-3 hour intervals. For great muscle development, a high protein, low carbohydrate diet works best. An interview with revealed the typical Marc Fitt diet: Meal 1: 1 banana, 60g of oats, 8 egg whites, 1 protein shake (30g), 2 multi-vitamin, 2 omega-3, 1 vitamin b-100, 2 caps of test alpha and 5 g of glutamine. Meal 2: 1 apple, 10 almonds, 1 protein shake (45g), 1 chicken breast Meal 3: 2 chicken breast, 1 cup of green vegetables, 2 multi-vitamin and 2 omega-3 Meal 4: Pre workout meal (2-3 hours before I work out) – 1 protein shake (30g), 60g of oats with 15g of raw honey Pre-workout shake: 1 ½ scoop of pre-workout ''PreWod'' (30 min before), 15g of bcaa (15 min before) Post-workout shake: 45g of whey isolate beyond yourself, 60g of dextrose (simple sugars), 5g of monohydrate creatine, 5g of glutamine, 5 g of bcaa.

Marc fitt bulking diet solution program

He is an inspiration to many people wants to achieve results through hard work and dedication. Marc's lifting philosophy has provided him with the ability to give anything a go, to take risks, and to keep trying every day. Marc is a true example of fitness being a platform to achieve greatness in all aspects of life. With the right attitude, and mindset as Marc, you too can make your goals into a reality. Post Views: 23, 386

If you have an interest in fitness, then you probably have an interest in Marc Fitt. Over the last few years, the twenty-something Canadian has established himself as one of the world's leading fitness models. Marc Fitt workout YouTube videos have garnered over 17 million hits, and his work as fitness columnist for Global TV has inspired a whole new generation of people to get ripped. Through his success as a model, Fitt has used his platform as a way to motivate through public speaking and social activism, as well as establishing his own clothing company, which helps give back to orphaned children. In short, the guy is a bit of a legend. The Marc Fitt Workout Having started training with no interest in bodybuilding, Fitt's obsession with pushing his limits to the maximum has resulting in him having one of the most photographed physiques in the world. Fitt says that his most effective workout involves a high volume of exercises and repetitions. Rest times between each set are minimal – between 45 seconds and 1m 30s – so that a cardio aerobic aspect can be added to training.

In order to give his best to the academy, Marc trained for endurance and strength to help him withstand the grueling training ahead, and when he started out, he was already in good shape at 15% bodyfat. As he slowly but surely achieved his fitness goals, he drew the of attention of his peers, who often asked him, how he managed to achieve so much, and so quickly. Marc said he had no special secret that set him aside from the others, but he did say; hard work and never missing workouts, was his philosophy to achieving his incredible strength and physique. Moving Into Fitness Marc soon realized that he had researched fitness and weight training noticeably more than his peers, so he decided to start sharing his knowledge with everyone online. Marc said he enjoyed this much more than the grueling hours he was putting into his police education. Marc, at this point, realized he preferred the immediate satisfaction of helping someone with their fitness goals over anything else, which lead him to reconsider his career path.

He's praised sprint interval training for cutting, as he finds that it helps him burn calories much easier than standard steady state cardio. Nutrition Balanced Diet Following the same philosophy he applies to his workout routine, Marc pays close attention to his nutrition, and he's able to change it quickly depending on his goals for that month, but on the whole, he sticks to a low carbohydrate diet, and high protein foods, with roughly 2-3 hours between each meal daily. A standard meal for Marc would be an olive salad that contains chicken and a lot of vegetables. For a cheat meal, Marc says he'll eat "3 whole wheat crepes with lots of fruit on it. It is important for me to have my cheat meal in the morning (3 hours before my workout) That way, I can make sure I burn this cheat meal during the day. " Marc's Diet Meal 1: 1 Banana, 60g Rolled Oats 8 Egg Whites 1 scoop whey protein 2 multivitamins 2 omega-3 tablets 1 vitamin b tablet 5g of glutamine Meal 2: 1 apple 10 almonds 2 scoops whey protein 1 chicken breast Meal 3: 2 chicken breast 1 cup green vegetables 2 multi-vitamins Meal 4: 60g of oats 15g raw honey Meal 5: 1/2 scoop preworkout 15g of BCAA Meal 6: 60g dextrose (simple sugars) 5g creatine 5g glutamine 5g BCAA Meal 7: 1.

1st exercise: Hammer strength press 5 x 8 2nd exercise: Incline barbell bench press 4 x 6 3rd exercise: Decline smith machine press 3 x 25, 15, 8 4th exercise: Dumbbell flat bench press 3 x 8 Back Workout A resistance band will help warm up the muscles before this workout. Jeff will go through a series of band pull aparts, band pull throughs, and external rotation exercises. It helps do to some sort of dynamic workout like this before back day, as the shoulders need to be loosened up before heavy sets. 1st exercise: Single arm lat pull down 5 x 8-12 2nd exercise: Dumbbell seal row 5 x 8-12 3rd exercise: Kneeling cable pull over 5 x 10-15 4th exercise: Reverse pec deck machine 5 x 10-15 5th exercise: Bicep curl giant set (pronated curl 3 x 8, hammer curl 3 x 8, supinated curl 3 x 8) Shoulder Workout Correctly working the shoulder muscles is a very important aspect of bodybuilding. Jeff believes that when the shoulders are well developed they make the rest of your physique look better. For rounded shoulders, you need to do exercises that target the front, side, and rear deltoid muscles.

Increase his daily caloric intake, without completely trashing his body. Some bodybuilders prefer a "dirty bulk" where they eat high amounts of junk food. You will gain muscle and fat during this process, but it will take longer when it comes time to cut. Jeff eats out more when bulking, but he doesn't go overboard. 3 whole eggs 2 slices turkey bacon Serving of tater tots 1 slice whole wheat bread 1 kiwi 8 ounces orange juice Oven roasted chicken breast Mashed potatoes with gravy Macaroni and cheese Sweet corn Baby carrots Meal 3 1 scoop whey protein 120 grams banana 28 grams pistachios Meal 4 3 ounces turkey breast Sweet kale salad kit 1/2 cup raspberries 6 ounces grilled salmon Roasted potatoes Black beans Sweet corn Roasted carrots Edamame Chest Workout Jeff likes to go through a variation of chest activation exercises before lifting heavy weight. Some machines can place added stress on the rotator cuff, so it's important to warm up your shoulders as well. To get the blood flowing, make sure to do the full range of motion and squeeze the chest.

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The Marc Fitt diet follows the traditional bodybuilding approach to nutrition. For building muscle he will increase overall calories for a period of time. Marc will then drop his calories down when looking to lower his body fat percentage. Find out Marc's favorite foods and why he loves doing supersets in the sections below. Who is Marc Fitt? Marc Fitt is a personal trainer, entrepreneur and fitness model from Quebec, Canada. Before discovering weight training, Marc was always very active and played competitive hockey. His vast knowledge for fitness and nutrition has helped him build a loyal following through Instagram, YouTube and podcasting. Stats Height ‎: ‎5'10" (177. 5 cm) Weight ‎: ‎175 – 185 lbs (79. 4 – 83. 9 kg) Year of birth: 1990 Marc Fitt Diet Marc is very precise when it comes to counting calories and calculating his macros. Depending on his current physique goals, he will be in a caloric surplus (for bulking), or a caloric deficit (for cutting). Marc adds everything he eats throughout the day in a custom spreadsheet he made, that tracks food down to the gram.

This detailed approach keeps him muscular and lean.

Marc is unique compared to other fitness models, as he developed every successful venture by himself creating his own awareness. This includes his exposure, his audience, and his philosophy towards exercise – all created completely from scratch. Marc now owns an apparel company, a successful workout guide plan, and is consistently booked for modelling contracts – he's a true testament to "hard work pays off. " Biography Early Life Born September 10th 1090, and raised in Montreal, Marc was never a real fan of exercise or keeping active early on, he only started going to the gym in his early teen to improve his confidence among his peers. From the first session, he was hooked, and unknown to Marc, he realized he had a natural talent for training, and pushing himself to achieve the best. Realizing he had more potential to go further, MArc went on to look for a career that would fit his personality. Joining The Police Academy At the age of 20, Marc joined the police academy, and hoped to make a place within the SWAT team.

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