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His meals are balanced around whole grains, vegetables, and lean proteins, with the occasional supplement to keep his metabolism working correctly. This also helps his body to repair after intense workouts by constantly feeding his muscle throughout the day. Christian's Meal Plan Meal 1 Whey protein Energy drink Meal 2 Oatmeal Egg white Blueberries Meal 3 Protein bar Meal 4 Meal 6 Grilled chicken breast Broccoli Brown rice What we can learn from Christian Guzman Christian Guzman was just a skinny kid in high school who loved to play the guitar, but after joining the gym with friends, he became hooked. When researching his idols online, Christian decided he would also start his own video channel by posting nutrition and workout tips for other aspiring athletes – within only a short space of time, he became a success. What we can learn from Christian is to chase your dreams and start small by taking one step after another. This can lead you to your ultimate goal, just like Christian. With the same passion and drive, you too can build your own greatness.

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With a pronounced shortage of iodine in nutrition, iodized salt is recommended. Saturated with iodine, this salt should be constantly present on the kitchen table and used for cooking. It should be borne in mind that the salt with iodine can retain its medicinal properties only up to 4 months, after the expiration of this period, the necessary element simply evaporates. When hypothyroidism is useful to eat legumes, corn, cereals, root crops, tomatoes. It is not recommended to use only ordinary white cabbage and cereal porridge - these products contain substances that do not allow iodine to be absorbed. What is the diet for thyroid disease? In disorders of the functional ability of the thyroid gland, it is advisable to adhere to a vegetarian mode of nutrition - a diet with the predominant use of fresh fruits, vegetables, root crops, seeds and nuts. In such products there is a natural iodine, without which a normal balance of processes in the body is impossible. In hypothyroidism, food should consist of a variety of seafood, and with hyperthyroidism, products containing iodine should be limited.

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