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The company provides a variety of nutrition consulting services with a focus on gerontological nutrition. She has co-authored numerous articles in journals and magazines, including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Liz was the Associate Director of, a respected website for dietitians, and is an evidence analyst for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Evidence Analysis Library. In 2009 Liz became Board Certified as a Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition. Honors include: Two North Carolina Dietetic Association awards, the Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (1991) and the Member of the Year (2000). Search Becky Dorner & Associates, Inc.

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In skincare products, this component might play a preventive role, as it is not easily absorbed and thus may help hinder impurities from penetrating the skin. Polymethyl Methacrylate – PMMA is found in many cosmetics, especially eye products and lipsticks. As one research article in the journal of Cosmetic Ingredient Review indicates, this ingredient is safe and often used in medical devices, such as medical implants. Acacia Derived Ingredients – Some of the cosmetics under in this brand contain Acacia Decurrens, Acacia Senegal Gum and flower wax. Some research, such as an article by the International Journal of Toxicology, suggest that these ingredients are considered effective due to their anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, contaminant and UV absorbing properties. Glucomannan – Is the most used component in Arbonne's weight loss supplements. It is extracted from the Elephant Yam plant (also known as Konjac) and is thought to potentially help with promoting satiety. With that said, there is some research that doesn't support its role as a weight loss tool, such as an 8-week experiment published in the Journal of Obesity showing that it was well tolerated in subjects but did not prove to aid in increased weight loss, satiety or help make a difference in subject blood lipid or glucose levels.

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Don't fall into the trap of believing myths about dietary fat in human food and obesity. Fat, when consumed within acceptable limits, is good for your pet's health, so you should not mess about with his diet because your pet is not vying for miss world. He certainly won't score any points for looking like a scarecrow. In the right amounts, fat not only provides him with energy, it also helps your pet grow a healthy coat. A dog with a healthy amount of body fat has a smooth and radiant coat. If you limit the amount of healthy fat, his coat will turn flaky and dark. Final Word low-fat dog food is an ideal choice for pets with a sensitive stomach, pancreatitis, or those that are overweight. Although fat content is low, these pet foods don't compromise the quantity and quality of other essential nutrients. Low-fat dog food is best suited to help your pet manage his health condition or body weight. If you feel your pet needs low-fat dog food, the list we have provided has some of the best brands.

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