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Try this simple raw recipe: Raw brownies in 10 minutes 2. Simple raw recipes mean that you'll stay versatile Most people thrive on variety (it is, after all, the spice of life), and it should definitely not be neglected in your diet. When making a drastic dietary change, it can be easy to get stuck in a flavor-rut, but by familiarizing yourself with simple raw food recipes you will open yourself up to a whole new world of raw culinary delights. The obvious beauty of following simple recipes is efficiency and easy, non-intimidating prep. However, as you master fundamental techniques and get comfortable with the raw diet staples and basic recipes, you can begin to experiment with different flavor combinations to create delicious and truly unique dishes. Try this simple raw recipe: Creamy celery soup in 10 minutes 3. Simple raw recipes are maintainable Blending, pureeing, chopping, chilling, dehydrating, sprouting, planning—it can become overwhelming if every meal is a chore. By having a strong foundation of simple raw food recipes to fall back on, you can take a break from heavy-prep and more time-consuming recipes without falling off the wagon.

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Once you've used them all, start back at the beginning. [Related] With a few simple rules, raw feeding is simple. Here's what you need to know. Then … Pick Your Philosophy And Lifestyle 1. Passionate Home Chef – You can always cook from scratch and get creative, just be sure to: Switch things up and just follow the basic rules. Do rounds of amino acids, spices, antioxidants and herbs Rotate, rotate, rotate – don't overuse those support foods – don't add thousands of things a day to your dog's food – remember your rules 2. Health Conscious – You know what's healthy but sometimes fall off the wagon? Don't complicate the raw feeding process. Add phytoplankton for extra vitamins and nutrients Add your essential fatty oils Remember to rotate your support foods – just keep them in the cupboard and use them up then move on to the next one 3. No Time To Spare – You feel like you barely have time to feed yourself, but you love your dog and want him to be healthy. Find a commercial raw food that's close to the 75-20-5 rule Add phytoplankton for extra vitamins and nutrients Add your essential fatty oils Keep an eye on your dog and add support foods if you feel he needs an extra boost 4.

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For example, if I buy 40 pounds each of chicken backs, beef liver, and pork muscle meat, I can either package individual meals in baggies or containers or I can package the meats in baggies or containers. Then every day I can pull out a packaged meal and feed as is, or I can pull out smaller containers of thawed meat and assemble at mealtime. Either way, it makes thawing and storage much easier. #3 – Find a Supplier One of the great benefits of raw feeding is that it cuts down cost, but this only happens when done craftily. If you're going to a local, high-end grocery store you're probably spending as much or more on food as you would quality kibble. But finding butchers or grocery stores that will order meat in bulk for you can save you great amounts of money. More often than not, you'd be surprised at how easy it is to find a place that will order 30-40 pound boxes of various types of meat. If you can find a supplier, you'll be at an advantage. If you have friends that feed raw, you can try to place even bigger orders for a lower cost at the same time.

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Knowing that you can take it easy while still maintaining your raw diet is crucial to your success. And it doesn't hurt to know that you can whip up some 1-minute raw chocolate fudge on a moment's notice, either! Try this simple raw recipe: Raw chocolate fuge in 1 minute 4. Simple raw recipes are best because success is contagious You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who isn't interested in hearing the secrets to your success—how you lost the weight, cleared up your skin, seem to have so much more energy—but much of our society is focused on quick-fix solutions and low-effort trends. The real "secret" is that there are no magic pills or food sprinkles that will make you feel as incredible as going raw will. And with simple recipes to follow, and real results to motivate, sharing this message is easy! Try this simple raw recipe: Raw alfredo sauce Find your own favorite simple raw recipe Looking for simple raw recipes to start your raw journey? Check out The Rawtarian's Raw Recipe Index, for simple, satisfying raw recipes.

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Make Raw Feeding Simple

Whether you are just beginning your raw food journey, or you're a seasoned veteran looking for something new ( raw carrot cake, anyone? ) you're sure to find something to delight your taste buds!

Image source: jimbomack66 via Flickr Raw feeding does not have to be complex science. It's all about balancing nutrition over time and offering your cat the best possible food. Finding a supplier, buying in bulk and organizing the meat will make day to day raw feeding much easier in the long run. You'll likely find your own unique ways to keep your daily routine simpler and we'd love for you to share them with us! With raw feeding becoming more and more popular, it's only a matter of time before the majority of cat owners have space dedicated solely to their cat's nutrition. The easier we make it on us humans, the healthier and happier our kitties will be too.