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Kitty is also the co-author of several cookbooks. A member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and several of the association's practice groups, she served two terms of service as the president of the Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Kitty is also an adjunct instructor in the nutrition department at Southern Maine Community College. A mother to two young adults, she resides in South Portland, Maine with her husband. Meet Kitty » Read Kitty's Articles » Other Webinars Surprisingly Nutritious: An Aisle-by-Aisle Guide to Today's Better-for-You Foods Are you interested in diving deep into shifting supermarket trends, including the progression toward healthier, packaged foods? Join us to learn how to educate consumers and guide them toward healthier items in the supermarket. The Guiding Stars program is one tool toward achieving this. You will also learn how to enable consumers to identify and shop for foods that help them meet their nutrition goals, whether that shopping is done online or in-store.

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If a couple has the procedure performed each month, success rates may reach as high as 20% per cycle depending on variables such as female age, the reason for infertility, and whether fertility drugs were used, among other variables. While IUI is a less invasive and less expensive option, pregnancy rates are lower than those from IVF. If you think you may be interested in IUI, talk with your doctor to discuss your options. Some couples want to explore more traditional or over the counter efforts before exploring infertility procedures. If you are trying to get pregnant and looking for resources to support your efforts, we invite you to check out the fertility product and resource guide provided by our corporate sponsor. Review resource guide here. Want to Know More? Boost Your Fertility with Antioxidant Supplements Ovulation Kits and Fertility Monitors Ovulation: Frequently Asked Questions Compiled using information from the following sources: 1. American Society for Reproductive Medicine.