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Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria invade the urinary tract and bladder and become established, creating damp heat in the bladder. This can lead to crystal and stone formation, as well as prostate inflammation. One way for bad bacteria to take up residence in the bladder is for bacteria on the skin to ascend up the urinary tract into the bladder. Improper diet, which will be discussed later, also contributes to damp heat in the bladder, creating these unfortunate crystals and stones. Struvite stones are the most common cause for obstruction in the urinary tract and are nearly impossible to pass. These struvite stones are composed of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate, and are primarily caused by dietary magnesium. They also thrive in high pH alkaline environments. Prescription diets lower the pH and magnesium levels, which will help prevent struvite formation. However, because we've created a more acidic environment in the bladder and haven't resolved the base problem associated with the damp heat, pets have started to develop more calcium oxalate crystals, which thrive in acidic environments.

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In order to properly "enter" the Japanese diet for 7 days the day before, limit yourself to salt and the eating of meat, go heavy on vegetables and unpolished boiled rice, and drink at least 1. 5 liters of water. Japanese diet – menu for a week Day 1: for Breakfast you can only drink a Cup of coffee, and immediately after waking drink a glass of water to improve digestion and flushing out toxins from the body; for lunch, cook 2 eggs and make a light salad of Chinese cabbage and drink a glass of tomato juice, the juice is best done at home, as part of the purchase, usually including salt, which is banned in the Japanese diet for 7 days, if possible, to make juice at home you have not, choose tomato juice with pulp to cook dinner or prepare steamed fish (250 g).

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When you do this, expect a similar output like this: [email protected]:~$ date +"Week:%V Year:%y" Week: 49 Year: 19 You shall find a list of sequences similar in addition to all the information associated with the date command when you type in this: date --help This is how it should look like when you scroll down through the instructions after the help command: 3. Use date command to display a time/date for past/future Suppose you want to know what the date was last week, you can do that using the date command. All you have to do is type in: date -d last-week Similarly, you can use "tomorrow" / "last-year" / "next-year" / "next-month" and so on. 4. Use date command to identify a specific day If you have a particular date but want to identify the day of the week, you can do that easily by typing in: date -d "1996-08-25" +"%A" The output for this when you type it in should look like: [email protected]:~$ date -d "1996-08-25" +"%A" Sunday Here, %A helps to specify the date, you can change it to%B to display the month name as well.