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  1. Weight loss for 400 lb man city
  2. Weight loss - Exercise ideas for 400 pound double leg amputee - Physical Fitness Stack Exchange
  3. Weight loss for 400 lb man 3

Nutrition- I have started out pretty much eating like a bird, hated it... drove me up the wall. I then discovered IIFYM and have made that my primary mantra for my diet. I slowly over time learned about macro nutrients and applied it to my daily diet not until recently really getting my macros spot on. I also adopted IF and love it! There is nothing better. My macro break down Protein 208-220g - Carbs 120-140g Fats 75-90g Supplements, daily Calcium 2000mg Vit D 5820ui Vit C 1000mg Fish oil 1600EPA 800DHA Multi Cla 800mg Flax oil (No longer taking this after I run the bottle out) REDuction Am/Pm Glucosamine1. 1g/Chondroitin1. 2g Beta Alanine 4-5g Hydrochlorot 12. 5mg prescribed Currently These last couple weeks everything has really been clicking for my body. My metabolic rate is gone up and my workouts are really starting to give way to new ground. I look forward to a long healthy life! Workout Sunday- PM Arms/Chest/Hiit Monday- AM Legs/Back/Abs Tuesday- AM Arms/Chest PM Hiit Wednesday- Rest Thursday- AM Legs/Back/Abs Friday- AM Arms/Chest/Hiit Saturday- Rest My long term goals right now are: 270 - 250 - 230.

Weight loss for 400 lb man city

I have been at the weight loss game now hard for almost five months. I have lost close to a total of 60 lbs and I have no plans of stopping ever. I no longer see my self as over weight, I look at myself as a skinny fat individual. The only thing standing between me and my body that I want is time. So my journey began, I started cutting calories after doing a bunch of reading, I made a post on and lurked around leaching information to help me further my self being. I am not on a diet, I am on a life style change. Since the start I have had a change of heart for my goals as my father had came close to death this last year and after three stokes and open heart surgery can no longer function how he used to. He had a dream when he was around my age, he wanted to compete amateur bodybuilding. After taking some time and serious thought I have decided that by late 2014 I want to compete in my first amateur natural bodybuilding competition. I have some very aggressive goals (Nothing that will put my health in jeopardy again) and I will meet them all.

Weight loss - Exercise ideas for 400 pound double leg amputee - Physical Fitness Stack Exchange

I am a female double leg amputee that weighs about 400lbs. I haven't exercised in about 20 years. I have a whole host of medical problems and have been told that I have to lose weight. I am modifying my diet, but exercise is the hardest for me. Being so big and having no legs, or artificial legs, has limited me on what I can do. I need ideas on how to do some exercises that can actually help me lose weight that I can do either sitting or lying on the bed. I am also incapable of turning onto my stomach. Please, if you have any ideas I would love to hear them. Thank you! asked Aug 2 '15 at 23:29 3 It's important to get a good start and make yourself feel good about your weight loss project. The most important part of weight loss is eating fewer calories than before, it's much, much more important than exercise in that regard. So don't feel bad if it's hard to find ways to exercise in the beginning, it will likely get easier as you lose some weight, and if you're losing weight at a steady pace by eating a bit less, you're doing better than the majority of people who attempt to lose weight.

Weight loss for 400 lb man 3

This is my weightloss log IF FOR LIFE! Background- First off a quick introduction! I have always been the "fat kid" I once had a friend tell me that I was his "Fat Friend" and he wouldn't know what to do if I lost weight, he HAD to have a fat friend. I took that as some sort of acceptance as a morbidly obese individual. I continued to live my life fat day in and day out. I obsessed in the "pleasures" of food, food was my safety blanket. If I was having a bad day I would just sit down and have myself some popcorn dipped in butter, I was in trouble. My freshmen year of college I was out of control and gained almost 70 pounds in a year. I did not care about my health, at all. I would say oh I'll do something about it next week so on and so on. Then recently in this last year I had two separate catalysts that scared the bejesus out of me; my father almost passed away due to obesity related issues and I started having chest pains constantly. After the scare of my father and now my sudden chest pain I was worried for my mortality.

I weigh about 400 pounds. Am I overweight? - Quora

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