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Risks of various forms of cancer, such as colon or kidney cancer, are also increased. A BMI with a strong indication of being underweight can also be extremely dangerous. Here the biggest problem is generally a lack of essential nutrients and resulting deficiencies. Nutrient deficiency can contribute to the development of osteoporosis and can affect muscle function. Individuals who are underweight often have weaker immune systems, making them more susceptible to infectious diseases and making it more difficult for wounds to heal. These serious deficiencies can result from eating disorders, such as anorexia. Such disorders have extremely negative effects on bones, teeth and the immune system as a whole. In worst cases, the threat of cardiac arrhythmia caused by potassium deficiency is present. Is a BMI calculator still relevant? Criticism of BMI calculators is increasingly present. Such criticism stems from the fundamental question of whether or not a simple BMI value higher than 24 can immediately indicate potential medical problems.

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"This study is interesting because patients who have bariatric surgery may be at risk for gallstones that we have underappreciated before, " Victor said. Continued Both Victor and Popov said it's too soon to recommend again removing the gallbladder when having weight-loss surgery, but it's a question worthy of additional study. Popov said the rapid weight loss is likely what triggers the gallbladder conditions, though the study did not prove that. Victor said it's also too soon to know why there's an increased risk, but it could be because people are obese or it may be a technical aspect of the surgery that boosts the risk. And, he added, it's possible the risk is not permanent. He agreed that doctors should consider putting patients on bile acid sequestrants to help prevent gallstones and other conditions. The study was presented Monday at the American College of Gastroenterology annual meeting, in Philadelphia. Research presented at medical meetings should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

"When I moved on to run my own video company, my wife and I did a cleanup and I tossed my work record books containing details of jobs, colleagues. and fees. " The problem? "Who knew that 20 years later I'd write a memoir? " says Bryant. "That toss-out was a huge mistake. " Maybe old papers and calendars in a home office don't spark joy, but when going through documents, pause for a moment so you can be sure you're making the right decision for the present and the future. When dealing with stuff, you have to be able to purge the junk and save what's important. 2. Photos where you look less than perfect Maybe you want to be ruthless about chucking those physical photos where you have red-eye. But look for who else is in the picture before you head to the trash bin. "I've had clients that regretted getting rid of photos that they didn't like of themselves but that also featured family members, " says Susan Santoro, a professional organizer at "Later, they wished they had photos of those relatives that passed away. "

The obesity epidemic has spread to the gorilla house at the zoo because…………….. Zoo living is good living I wake up from a peaceful night's sleep to a scrumptious breakfast, consisting of a bucketful of tasty fruits. Today, the zookeeper has included bananas, paw-paw, some squash and a little cooked sweet potatoe. After a leisurely breakfast, I amble over to one of the "trees" in the enclosure. I deftly clamber up to the top of the tallest "tree" to get a good view of the humans who pass by at regular intervals throughout the day. Groups of humans jump up and down and admire me – some of them make me smile as they pat their chests and honk, others peek out from little boxes (strange). I spend most of the day mooching around, moving in and out of the sun. Just before the sun dips below the horizon, another bucket load of fruit arrives. The evening snack over, I pop inside and settle down on the fresh straw bed which has been prepared for me. Within minutes I am fast a sleep. Extract from a day in the life of Mokolo Weight watchers for gorillas Zoo keepers at Cleveland zoo have their gorilla's on diet, because it turns out zoo living may be good living but it certainly isn't healthy living.

All Turtles require additional UVB sliders require UVB light in order to synthesise vitamin D. Without vitamin D (in particular D3) yellow-bellied sliders are not able to metabolise calcium properly causing problems with bone growth. A spot light and UV tube can be used over the basking area of the turtle. Either a 60w or 100w basking bulb should be sufficient depending on temperatures achieved. A 12% intense UV tube (either T5 or T8) can be used to provide the intense UV. Alternatively a sigle mercury vapour bulb can be used to provide both heat and UV. This bulb should be placed 30cm or closer and will need a porcelain or ceramic lamp holder. Yellow-bellied sliders spend most of their time in the water so keeping it warm and clean is a priority. These turtles can be quite messy due to their high protein diet so require quite a strong filter to keep them clean. If you have a powerful filter you should only need to check it once a fortnight and clean the entire enclosure once every 3 months or so.