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Star Wars vet Lupita Nyong'o speaks at the United Nations alongside Michael Kors to promote his fashion brand's campaign Watch Hunger Stop Published: 17:51 EDT, 21 October 2019 | Updated: 04:15 EDT, 22 October 2019 Lupita Nyong'o sat alongside designer Michael Kors at the United Nations on Monday to help him push his fashion brand's global philanthropic anti-hunger campaign Watch Hunger Stop. Watch Hunger Stop has run for seven years and supports the United Nations World Food Programme and its school meals program. The 36-year-old Nyong'o - who will next appear in Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker - donned a quaint long-sleeved dress in brown with a ruffled hem and white polka dots for her appearance. Fighters: Lupita Nyong'o sat alongside designer Michael Kors at the United Nations on Monday to help him push his fashion brand's global philanthropic anti-hunger campaign Watch Hunger Stop She arrived to the hearing in a cream-colored coat with curved lapels, making a bold autumn statement.

What Is Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency? Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) causes problems in how you digest food. Your pancreas doesn't make enough of the enzymes that your body needs to break down and absorb nutrients. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions in your body. The enzymes made by your pancreas move into your small intestine, where they help break down the food you eat. When you have EPI, you don't get the nutrition you need because your body can't absorb fats and some vitamins and minerals from foods. You might lose weight or have pain in your belly. There are drugs that work for most people that give you a new supply of enzymes, so you can go back to digesting food the right way. Besides taking medicine, you can manage your symptoms by making sure you follow the right diet. Your doctor will recommend foods that will help you get enough nutrients and protein that you might be missing. Causes Damage to your pancreas causes EPI. There are many reasons this can happen but some of the most common are: Continued Your pancreas gets inflamed often.

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