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They called time on their year-long romance in January after meeting during Ashley's stint on the BBC One dance competition in late 2018. The TV star said: 'I'm good on my own, though. I'm pretty independent. 'It's nice to have that connection with someone, but at the moment lockdown is still [effectively] here, so "me" is where it is. ' Stunner: Ashley wore a simple gold necklace as she strolled through the city

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In her corresponding caption, the reality star, who lived in Dubai while working as a flight attendant, big the United Arab Emirates farewell, while also expressing her joy at showing Tom her onetime stomping ground. Bikini: In another post shared on Monday, Laura shared a snap of herself playfully posing in a spearmint green bikini on the beach outside the luxurious FIVE Palm Jumeirah Last month, Lauren revealed she and her boyfriend had been left extremely shaken after they were targeted by the thief as they enjoyed a late-night walk in Barcelona. Taking to her Instagram stories, the emotional star urged her followers to be safe as she recounted the terrifying incident. She said: 'So last night was horrible. Me and Tom decided to walk for a bit, try and get a photo and basically got mugged 'Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. You just get this gut feeling these two guys were watching us. Tom kept saying "it's fine, it's fine" and we hailed a cab to go home. Fun: As her week-long trip came to its conclusion, she shared a clip of herself water-skiing 'Tom opened the door for me and was like "in you go" and I was like "it's fine, I'll go round to the side" which I'm glad I did because when Tom went to get in, the guy came from nowhere and pushed him. '

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