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The US FCC, JP, EG, and IL all require their own special, region-locked APs. As such, for those four countries, you would need to purchase an AP specific to those regions. The RW variant can be used anywhere except the US, IL, EG, and JP regions. There are no differences in the hardware, but the regions are burned in at the factory and are not modifiable by the end user. Regulatory restrictions are not fun and are out of the vendor's hands (see Cisco's as well)

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5 kg Hen Around 7. 25 kg Climate Tolerance Almost all climates Color Black with an iridescent bronze-like sheen Rarity Common Country/Place of Origin North America

Clouded leopards, tigers, snow leopards, and jaguars are the only felids that use this type of vocalization. Threats to Survival: The biggest threat for the clouded leopard is deforestation. The second threat is that they are widely hunted for their beautiful coat and their bones and teeth, which are used for decorative purposes and traditional Asian medicine.

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To get there, it goes through a more rigorous refinement process than whey protein concentrate and hydrolysate do. Bodybuilders are drawn to the "purity" of whey isolate, lured by the moderately higher protein counts. Isolate is also considerably more expensive than concentrate, and the purported boost in beneficial effects on protein synthesis are overstated; drinking any kind of whey protein shake will have a beneficial effect on your muscle recovery and protein synthesis. If cost is not an issue, or you're mildly sensitive to dairy, then isolate is your best choice. Sweetened with monk fruit extract and coconut milk powder, this mix is made with only the good stuff, so you can shake up your day and help support lean muscle mass without compromise. Get Primal Fuel in Vanilla or Chocolate Whey Protein Hydrolysate Whey protein hydrolysate is "predigested" whey, or whey that has been partially broken down using enzymes. The process makes it easier to absorb, and potential allergens are broken down to inactive forms.

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Succulent baked halibut with a touch of lemon, Dijon mustard and dill is an ideal meal when something light and healthy is what you're hungry for, and it's ready to serve in around twenty minutes! Baked Halibut, a Simple and Delicious Fish Dish Halibut was one of favorite kinds of fish to prepare and serve to my clients during my personal chef days. The light and succulent fillets were the perfect canvas to take on the slightly bright and tangy flavors of lemon, garlic, perhaps a touch of mustard, and a sprinkling of herbs and seasoning. And the fact that they baked off so quickly made it an incredibly quick and convenient meal to prepare! Because halibut takes on added flavors so well, it only needs a few minutes of quick marination before simply being placed onto a parchment-lined baking sheet and baked for roughly 12 minutes. Baking halibut in this way yields a moist, flavorful piece of fish, one perfect to serve with a light accompaniment of simple quinoa, or some roasted potatoes, sauteed asparagus, roasted vegetables, or even a green salad.

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The Gnome Diet does not limit certain types of food. Instead, the app provides a systematic process to help dieters focus on nutrition and physical activity and gradually develop healthy habits. Most people who use Noom lose 1-2 pounds a week. About 60% of Noom Dieters maintain weight for more than a year. KeyFeatures Get personalized one-on-one coaching from health professionals Easy food logging with "custom cook" function Choose from a healthy weight and diabetes management program Download Best Weight Loss Apps For iPhone 2. NuMi Nutrisystem's NuMi is a diet app that keeps track of your meals and snacks and reminds you to drink plenty of water and exercise. To record meals and snacks, click the "+" icon or select one of the choices in the journal section (eg Nutrisystem Entree, SmartCarb or PowerFuel). With "Create custom activity", you can track your workouts through the quick record function. So, Planning guidelines show PowerFuel and SmartCarbs quotas for all meals. It's also easy to go back and record a meal or snack, even if you forget the early hours of the day.

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"The reason for this being, it might actually not be a parasite causing your symptoms, and you then just wasted your time and money treating the wrong thing. "

Hey Everyone, I'm brand new here and a good mix of excited and confused. Been lurking this sub for awhile now, gathering knowledge and the courage to reach out! Here are my stats: 39yo Female (she/her) 5'4 SW: 168 CW: 161 GW: 130 Current plan: 16/8 ---> 20/4 (eventually) with moderate exercise (at least 1hr 3x/week) - specifically interested in shedding midsection weight and toning up. I recently became sober after years of daily wine drinking and expected to quickly lose weight because of the insane number of liquid calories I'd all of a sudden cut out of my diet. Turns out, I was not entitled to any significant weight loss simply because I quit drinking. Especially when I'd initially been replacing those calories with a good amount of sugar (cravings for sweets are INSANE in early recovery, holy hell! ) I am also on Lexapro which I started for post-partum anxiety - I was on 10mg/day for about 3yrs but have tapered myself down to 2. 5mg/day and will eventually hop off completely, which I hope and pray will help with my weight, since it is a MAJOR reason I put it all on in the first place.